Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Want my MSNBC!!

Phew! If the Olympics preempted msnbc programming again and I had to miss Hardball one more night, I'm not sure how I could have gotten through my first day of readjustment to life as normal.

I like the Olympics and all, and know enough not to watch medal ceremonies because they make me weep, but at this point I think I've had enough. This year it feels like yet-another-Xtreme-sport. Sometimes I feel like I'm just watching someone take crazy risks.

And if I see one more filler story on why the Canadians say ey,  although I've seen it spelled eh, I might scream. We get it. Media sent people there and dammit they aren't going to let them sit around the fire après ski, or in between reporting on events. Make 'em work! Send them off to talk to Canadians. Fill air time with inanity.

Speaking of inanity, I would rather be entertained by clips of Shawn Hannity and Sarah Palin while learning about what's really going on in the world, and here at home. I know that the Olympics are a great diversion, and trust me, I know we need them at times like this but really: curling?


Tam and John said...

I am addicted to the Olympics, but I don't get curling AT ALL.

Amy said...

I agree. I'm not sure what's so athletic about sweeping shavings off of ice or riding in a sled.

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