Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Friendly Intervention

Jill called this morning on her drive (don't worry; her car is equipped so she can talk hands free) from San Diego to L.A. where she often travels for business. She was just checking in, as she often does, on me and my family and, today, my vacation in its infancy. (I do adore vacation, with the reverence one usually affords human life.)

We chatted, and laughed-- as I reminded her of an old story about a sweatshirt, bought at Urban Outfitters in Boston on one of many fun weekends Jill and Liz came to visit, which I ended up absconding from Liz twenty years ago, and for which Liz is still incensed and bitter (and incredulous that I had the nerve to wear it in front of her years later). It's a joke really.  But it's also Liz's justification for absconding with my things on occasion decades later--like a new "Eco cup" I bought the other day for iced coffees and iced teas by my pool. Good times.

I'm not exactly sure how it came up, other than Jill asked what my plans were for the day and it occurred to me, as I was getting ready to sit by the pool, that I was without my Eco-cup today--because Liz has it. So we had our laugh and exchanged news and itineraries and Jill said, without sugar coating or dancing around the issue, this: You need to get on the busy end of your blog.

Enough said.

1 comment:

Tam and John said...

And I needed to get on the busy end of reading it. I can't believe how much I've neglected reading. It's been a real treat sitting here in the company of your words :)

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