Wednesday, January 20, 2010

[Heart] Care Packages

It has been a busy week. We are in midterm exams at school and as always I'm a little behind in correcting around this time, catching up just as two-hour exams are completed and ready for correcting. At home I've been trying to get ready for a house guest (Jill gets here tomorrow night!), getting overdue cleaning projects done (despite previous revelations and proclamations to keep up with my space). Meanwhile, I keep getting these pesky migraine headaches, which is probably not a surprise, but really, really sucks. I want to hide in the dark, not correct under fluorescent lighting, and that's exactly what I did at around 11:30, after giving a day at work my best effort.

Lucky for me I came home with a care package from Amy and Chris, who had made meatballs and sauce last night and were nice enough to share some with me. How nice it was tonight to boil some pasta and heat up their sauce and meatballs and have a delicious meal in minutes, made with love, comforting and filling.

I would have enjoyed it as much without a migraine, during a not-so-busy week, but today the timing was just perfect. I was reminded that I love care packages (like my French onion soup from Maureen at Christmastime)(and limoncello from Erika), generous gestures of sharing, homemade gifts from the heart.

1 comment:

Tam and John said...

I love, love, love the food sharing you do with your friends :)

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