Friday, August 31, 2012

Big Yawn

I had every intention of heading out to the pool after school today, but when I got in (after hearing other people's children (OPC) at the pool) and was faced with the choice of my super soft and cool tank jammie dress (read: modern house dress) and my spandex bathing suit that would be a challenge to put on  yank up my sweaty body, I went with the tank dress.

I took a few deep breaths and made myself a snack and considered again going out to the pool. Then I remembered the sounds of OPC and the fact that's I have 3 days to enjoy the pool this weekend and I decided to stay in.

I read. I had another round of snacks and called it dinner. I napped on the couch. For an hour. With a blanket! And because already I'm yawning and ready for bed and it's not even 10, I know I made the right choice.

Good night. Happy weekend.

1 comment:

Amy said...

OPC - I love it! I don't blame you for staying inside!

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