Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lilacs and Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day, and lilacs are in season, so I got to bring some home with me from my mother's bushes, in one of her Mason jars, after a very nice dinner there. I'd call them my door prize, but I fear that might give the wrong impression.

Both of my sisters are mothers themselves, and I am not, so I was the daughter designee this year, as I have been in the past. My mother's old country frugality and sensibility always puts the kibosh on any requests to take her and my father out, and invariably my mother orchestrates and cooks her own dinner. In fact, it was somewhat of a triumph that I got her to agree to my bringing shrimp cocktail for an appetizer and ice cream for dessert. My father grilled the steaks she marinated, which we enjoyed with boiled new potatoes and tossed salad. After dinner we sat around and chatted for a bit before having dessert, then we chatted some more.

I left with a full belly, a full heart, and a renewed appreciation for two living and healthy parents. Oh, and a bunch of beautiful lilacs.

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