Monday, November 22, 2010

[Heart] Shrimp Cocktail

There are times you need crunchy, or creamy. Salty or sweet. Or both. Sometimes the only thing that will satisfy is twirling your fork around in some sauce-covered spaghetti, or biting into a burger that will drip down your chin. Sometimes it is hot and steamy that we crave, liquid penicillin that works as well on sinuses as your stomach. Cheesy ooey-gooey goodness is a category in and of itself.

And sometimes the simple bite, or two, of cold shrimp doused in a little spicy cocktail sauce with a hint of lemon does the trick. The ritual of picking up a piece by the tail and dredging it in sauce creates just the right amount of anticipation before dropping it in your mouth. Plate, sauce, mouth. Plate, sauce, mouth.

I [heart] shrimp cocktail.


Amy said...

Looks delish!

Tam and John said...

Sometimes I buy the huge party pack at Costco just for Matt and me. We scarf it in one day!

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