Saturday, August 24, 2013

My Week in a Word: Anticlimactic

I am not referring to the beginning of the week that was the end of my west coast vacation. I'm talking about coming home to spend the last week of my summer vacation in light of the time I had spent away.

I had an excellent summer vacation--one of the best in recent memory. In addition to my trip west to Seattle, Portland and San Diego to visit with Tamara, Jill, and my cousins Lisa and Joanne, I got away to Newport for few days and to the Cape for a weekend (and reconnected with an old friend there who was nice enough to have me at her house), and Lindsay got married. My family celebrated happy occasions this summer. Only happy occasions.

So when I say my week was anticlimactic, it is because my summer was simply fantastic.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Let's have all vacations be that way!

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